The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD) is a County Sewer District as defined under Section 6117 of the Ohio Revised Code. In 1924, the County established sewer districts which it owned, operated and maintained. These sewer districts were consolidated into a single County Sewer District in 1955. In 1968, the City of Cincinnati, along with many other municipal entities, consolidated its municipal sewer district into the County Sewer District. The County renamed its Sewer District as MSD. As part of the consolidation, the County assumed the City's existing debt for its municipal sewer system and it also assumed the City's contractual obligations to provide sewage treatment to 23 separate municipalities within Hamilton County. Separately, the City agreed, pursuant to an agreement dated April 10, 1968, to operate and manage MSD for the County. As the owner of MSD, the County is responsible for, among other things, setting policy, setting rates, issuing debt, approving budgets and capital plans, adopting rules and regulations, etc. During the term of the Agreement, the City serves as the sole operator of MSD, subject to the County's direction and control.
The 1968 Operating Agreement expired in 2018. In advance of that time, the County and City worked to establish a framework for future management and operation of the sewer utility which is deemed best for protecting the interest of the ratepayers while promoting operational and customer service excellence at all levels of the organization.
The Customer Assistance Program Recommendations report was developed by a workgroup researching options and best practices for implementing a customer assistance program within MSD. The purpose of a customer assistance program is to provide financial assistance to customers experiencing temporary or long-term difficulties in paying for wastewater services. To see the full report, please click the link below.