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Development Services

The Development Services division of Planning + Development is primarily responsible for zoning, subdivision review, and addressing services for the unincorporated territories of Hamilton County. This section is charged with the task of overseeing the implementation of adopted resolutions, rules, and procedures relative to the physical development of the unincorporated territory of Hamilton County.

In order to accomplish these responsibilities, the Development Services section must facilitate the coordinated review of proposed developments through effective and efficient communication with a multitude of stakeholders, including developers, engineers, architects, attorneys, property owners, development review agencies, elected officials, and the general public.

The Development Services division strives to balance the common good with the rights of private property owners while assuring compliance with established development standards. This effort requires assessment of compliance with various sets of codes and regulations in an effort to ensure quality development practices that enhance the character and livability of the community. Therefore, the Development Services division must gather information, prepare reports, and make presentations on all projects requiring development review. The three major focus areas that generally require such review are Subdivision Administration Services, Zoning Services and Address Assignment.

In addition to these services, the Development Services division periodically enters into contractual agreements with townships and municipalities (inside and outside Hamilton County) to perform specific development review related tasks. These tasks may include preparation of comprehensive plans, land use plans, review of specific site plans, preparation of zoning code text amendments, preparation of new zoning codes, or other tasks associated with the review or regulation of proposed development projects.