Rural Zoning Commission
The Rural Zoning Commission (RZC) serves the Board of County Commissioners by administering and enforcing zoning in four townships, or parts thereof, and by providing contract services to a number of townships and villages in Hamilton County. The Commission itself is responsible for making recommendations to the Board regarding zone amendments and makes final determinations on Planned Unit Developments. The Commission consists of five members from the areas under County Zoning, and one alternate, appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The Zoning Resolution is interpreted and enforced by the office of the County Zoning Inspector. The Zoning Inspectors are administratively a part of the RZC staff, but are appointed by the County Commissioners. Duties of the RZC administrative staff and Zoning Inspectors include:
- Coordinating zoning amendment review and scheduling of Public Hearings
- Presenting amendment and other zoning requests before the Regional Planning Commission, Rural Zoning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Board of County Commissioners
- Maintaining official maps and files
- Assisting the public with zoning information
- Reviewing all building permits for zoning compliance
- Issuing Zoning Certificates and Final Zoning Inspections Certificates for all building permits
- Conducting field inspections on reported zoning violations
- Abating zoning violations through due process
- Maintaining complaint and abatement records
- Updating the zoning regulations